
Copyright 2012-14 Leslie Robinson All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Introduction by the 'Top Chick'

Top Chick
All my life I felt like I didn't quite fit in. Like I was always on 
the outside looking in.

I tried every method I could think of: playing sports, being 
funny, looking just right. But I just couldn't quite connect if 
you know what I mean. Then I found drinking and drugs and 
the people and things that go with it. At first I felt like I had 
found my place in the world, all my weird fears fell away. I felt 
powerful and that anything was possible. Then slowly but surely 
it started to turn on me. I dug in harder. I desperately fought to 
keep things together. I even had a baby that I later left with her 
Grandparents, till I could get it together enough to come get her. Problem is I never could get it together. As my alcoholism and drug addiction continued to progress I sank deeper and deeper into the ever darkening pit. Actually it’s more like quicksand. 

Jails, lost jobs, lost relationships, more jail, numerous humiliations and of course the street and all of its lovely little gifts – Ha!! I’ll never forget the street! Awful place for a woman. 

And then when sitting on curb truly believing that I had blown all my chances for help and that it was too late for me. It was over. No more fighting this was going to be my life. I gave up. 
I didn't know I was giving up but that’s what I did. But what I also didn't know that I was about to receive a gift. I was about to get sober. How the Hell did that happen?

Well that’s what Street Chicks in Recovery is all about. After years running the streets I saw a need to tell our story. Nobody knows our stories and very few people know we can recover, we do recover from the devastating effects produced by alcoholism and drug addiction. These booklets, comics and posters show how we did it.

We hope you enjoy our artwork and short stories. Please keep in mind we are not Harvard Grads – We are Street Chicks in Recovery and this is what happened to us.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Love and Peace: Street Chicks in Recovery

Thanks for reading our first blog!  Our initial goal is to post three times a week - Sunday Stories, Work it Wednesday (about a 'step') and Feed Me Friday - food for the body and soul - an inspirational message along with a nutritious recipe!  We look forward to your comments and suggestions, but most of all, we want to hear YOUR story!! 


  1. Im happy to post the first comment,Thank You Bethany for developing a cool page
    We are excited to bring our new audience new stories and of hope and recovery.

  2. Great job, Bethany. Can't wait for the recipes...along with the stories.
    ly, Mom

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
