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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Work it Wednesday - Step 2

Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity

In Step 1 you admitted that you are powerless over your addiction and that your life has become unmanageable - 

You are suffering from an illness which only a spiritual experience will conquer.

A Power greater than ourselves? What does that mean? God? What if I don't believe in God?

    noun \ag-ˈnäs-tik, əg-\
: a person who does not have a definite belief about whether God exists or not
: a person who does not believe or is unsure of something


 noun \ˈā-thē-ist\
: a person who believes that God does not exist

A Power greater than ourselves = a higher power as you understand it. It is anything at all that you think is adequate as long as it is greater than yourself and is loving and caring. If you are not comfortable with God, you can pray to the stars, the universe or just a higher power in general.

To be doomed to an alcoholic death or live on a spiritual basis is not always an easy choice. You must find a higher power to compensate for our own lack of power. For about half of us that higher power is God. For the other half, all you need to do is express a willingness to believe in a Power greater that ourselves, whether you find that in the stars or otherwise.

Experience shows that when we come to believe in a Power greater than ourselves we find a new power, peace, happiness and direction. We have a revolutionary change in our thinking a new of living. You have a new foundation, or cornerstone, that forms part of the new you.

Doubt and prejudices block our ability to find a spiritual solution. They may have come from childhood misconceptions, or by anti-religious campaigns. We want to hang on to old ideas, but that will only keep us stuck and not allow us to move forward in our recovery.

Willingness to believe is the key to Step 2. Whether your higher power is God or otherwise, simply BELIEVE that that power can restore you to sanity!

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