
Copyright 2012-14 Leslie Robinson All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 9, 2014

Feed Me Friday - Was All Alone and Sushi Roll

TGIF! Today on the Street Chicks in Recovery Talk Show (shown on Comcast ch 8 at 7:30am), Todd Verdun sang a song called Was All Alone and Lisa Lisa Lisa rolled sushi. In case you missed it (or don't live in SW Florida), here are both!

First, food for your soul - 

Todd Verdun

Hope by Song

Was All Alone
submitted by Taryn, SalusCare.

Hope by Song takes stories and poems written by people in the midst of their struggle (abuse, addiction, homelessness, PTS) and puts them to music to give hope to others!  Here is the link to their website where you can read more about it and listen to more of the music!  We love Hope by Song!


You can listen to songs while making sushi!

Next, food for your body -
Lisa Lisa Lisa and guest cook Mary Fisher rolling sushi!

Think you'd HATE sushi cuz it's raw fish? Think again!
Think sushi is too hard to make at home? Think again!
Think you need a sushi matt to roll your own sushi? Think again!
It's actually a GREAT way to use leftovers and EASY to do!


3 cups short grain rice - cooked
Sushi seasoning - 1 package
Rice vinegar, or just use water
Soy sauce
Assorted vegetables (thinly sliced) meat (cooked) and condiments to put inside the sushi

Use your imagination here! Some suggestions are: cucumbers, carrots, asparagus, tuna (canned works), crab meat, chicken, shrimp, fish sticks, cream cheese, mayo, hot sauce).

Here, Lisa is using leftover breaded shrimp, grilled chicken strips, canned tuna, carrot strips, cucumber, avocado and mayo.

Don't have a sushi matt? Make one using a thin magazine covered in plastic wrap!

Mix 1 package of sushi seasoning into cooked rice. Allow to cool.

Place rice vinegar into a small bowl and wet your hands. If you don't have rice vinegar, water works! This will help keep the rice from sticking to you.

Place a scoop of rice onto the matt and press out with your fingertips to cover the matt. Approximately a 4"X8" rectangle.

Place whatever ingredients you want to roll up down the length of the rice on the matt (down the 8" side). Start with your condiment (mayo or hot sauce) then lay veggies/meat on top of that.

Begin to roll. Squeeze the matt/sushi along the way and when roll is complete.

Wet a knife in the vinegar or water before cutting the roll into about 2" pieces.


Serve with wasabi and soy sauce to taste! Chop sticks optional - at the studio, we used our fingers! YUM!
This recipe along with lots of others can be found in the Street Chicks in Recovery Cookbook - Recipes to Help Conquer Your Addictions. Available on our website http://streetchicks.net/

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