
Copyright 2012-14 Leslie Robinson All Rights Reserved

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday Stories - Summer Becomes a MOM (Summer's Story Continued)

(The beginning of Summer's story can be found in the archives of the blog, in the lower left had corner.) 

Summer here, trying to get the rest of my story out. It was a long road to get from there to were I am now. My hope is that someone will identify with my journey.

It wasn't like opps, I have an allergy to alcohol and opps, I'm sorry I hurt you....And gee isn't it great I"m sober now! It was more like this......

After I was inducted into the Girls group home I was a charging train running full steam off the tracks. I ran away from there with my boyfriend and my best friend Sara to Arizona. Sara had an Aunt in Phoenix. Sara also had a car. The trip was filled with adventure. Coming from a northern state, we saw the mountains in Colorado for the first time. We slept outside in sleeping bags under the stars at the bottom of the mountains.

We landed in a reservation in New Mexico after a flat tire. That time we slept on a dirt floor with a family who had picked us up off the road. They got us a new tire in the morning and we were on our way. This was the life I had dreamed of - living easy, living free, doing what ever I wanted to do!  I had no idea I was on the road to Hell.

We made it to Arizona and back. We ran outta money. Coming back to my hometown sucked. So I ran the streets drinking, getting high and basically mooching off of people. Oh, and stealing. That's were I met a man who's drinking was far more advanced than mine.

Through him, I met my daughters father. I moved to a more southern state. He was a drug dealer. I was about to go to a whole new low. I had just turned 18. I had fun at first. I started a band in which I played the bass. I met cocaine. That's a great date at the beginning but it turns on you fast. The dude I met also turned out to be abusive. My drinking increased from weekends to weeknights to everyday. Then I got pregnant.

I kept drinking but we stopped dealing coke. That's the only reason I didn't use it. I didn't have any friends and no resources. I had that old stupid street code don't tell, don't tell, don't tell. So I didn't tell and I had a baby girl. By Gods Grace she doesn't have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. After 6 years I ended leaving him. I left my baby girl with his parents and I planned to get my stuff together and come back and get her.

Problem is I never got it together.... and least not yet.

Come back next Sunday to hear more!!

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