
Copyright 2012-14 Leslie Robinson All Rights Reserved

Friday, June 27, 2014

Feed Me Friday - Food for the Body & Soul - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and Kale - WHAT???

Social chick just moved to a place with a pool right outside her bedroom doors (french doors that is!) and she is just SOOOOOOO EXCITED about it! Can't wait to have some of the girls over and just have some fun - just like Cyndi Lauper sings about in this video. Enjoy the Friday Flashback! And who doesn't love the funkiness of Cyndi Lauper - she is one imaginative chick!

Social chick is also experiencing technical difficulties with her Google drive, so I apologize for no photo on this one - you will just have to trust me that is was DELICIOUS!

I have been trying to eat more kale - it's good for you and tastes better than it looks! I have done it 2 ways recently.

First, Kale Chips (photo from the Internet, but this is what mine looked like!)

Preheat oven to 275

If you buy the whole head of kale, rinse well, dry, remove the ribs and chop into about 3" pieces. Or just buy the pre-rinsed, chopped pieces.

Place on a baking sheet, toss with olive oil and a bit of salt and bake for 20 minutes or so, turning half way through.

They get crispy like a chip! Do NOT put in a container until completely cooled - I did and the condensation made them soggy. Then I just put them on sandwiches - I waste nothing!

Second, Wilted Kale (sauteed, cooked, steamed, whatever you want to call it) NO photo on the Internet available, because I made this up on the fly!

Put some olive oil in LARGE skillet over medium heat.

Add some thinly sliced onion and saute until they are to your liking

Add some chopped garlic, a bit (1/2 cup or so) of broth (chicken, beef, vegy - whatever you have on hand). I also added some diced tomatoes at this point.

Pile on the kale! It wilts down to nothing! Cover and let the kale wilt. I did not time this part, so just stir every few minutes then put the lid back on.

After it has wilted to where you want it, add a can of rinsed Navy beans (the white ones) and heat them through. It should only take a couple of minutes or two.

I ate this plain and with grilled chicken - both were YUMMY!! I tend to eat stuff before photographing, sorry!! I keep trying to remember to takes pics of food I am cooking.

PS - extra tip for the day concerning kale. I cook my dog's food as well and didn't have the usual chopped spinach to put in it, so I substituted kale. It did not go over well - my dog left the kale in the bowl (how did she eat the rice around it?) and her new friend (the other dog that we moved in with, who is a boy AND 10 years her junior, so she is now officially a cougar, not a dog, but I digress......) Raider, tries to eat the kale, then spits it out all over the floor! I'm not doing that again, I'm eating it myself!

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