
Copyright 2012-14 Leslie Robinson All Rights Reserved

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sunday Stories - Kay's Story - Part 1

HI! My name is Kay and I’m a grateful Christian in recovery from alcohol and I struggle with depression, anxiety, food and nicotine - that's how I introduce myself at Celebrate Recovery.

I was born in March of 1965 in Columbus, OH. When I was 4, my parents moved to a suburb of Toledo and they still live there today! That’s 45 years in the same house, married for 50!  My dad sold insurance and my mom stayed home with us. I have 2 younger sisters. So, that makes me a first born and an Aries. Which means I don’t like to fail and like to get my way! I saw a poster recently that said ‘I always got back up! Nothing beats me! I didn’t get sober until I couldn’t get back up!’ 

Growing up, I was told I could be anything I wanted to be. So at about 6, I got a football helmet because I was going to grow up and play football for Ohio State! I often sported it with my ballet outfit! I also got an easy bake oven and the play kitchen. I still bake to this day, but never played football. I took gymnastics and piano lessons, was on the swim team and dive team. In high school, I was on student council, was a cheerleader, in a national award winning choir. I got mostly A’s with a few B’s, and was in the National Honor Society. I was a lifeguard, taught swimming lessons and coached the diving team while still on it. I also became the Assistant Manager of the pool and taught life saving. This is where my drinking started. Occasionally we would call the city to let them know we were staying late, and have a pool party. Yes, drunken swimming and diving included - smart huh? When it rained and we got the day off, we would head to someones house - usually the basement- and play drinking games. I excelled at binge drinking.  Although I went to concerts and parties where people were doing a lot more than drinking, I never really did. I smoked once however after my senior prom, but when leave blew across the road on the drive home, I freaked out because I thought we were running over chipmunks! 

When I graduated high school, I attended Miami University - which is in OHIO - not south east Florida!  There was always a frat party to go to on the weekends where I could perfect my binge drinking - one time I passed out in the middle of a field while walking home and luckily a sorority sister found me at got me home. My Junior year I joined the Air Force ROTC program, where I rose to the ranks of Lt. Col. (2nd in command). I was on the drill team and could teach anyone how to march. Being loud and bossing people around was a good thing! 

After graduation, my dad gave some of his best advice - to get a job related to health care. I got a job in the IT department at St. Ann's Hospital in Columbus. One dreary February day, I interviewed for a job in Orlando, and 3 weeks later, I lived in Florida. I then moved to Ft. Lauderdale which was a great place to spend your 20’s!

When I was 29 I met my ex husband and moved to SW Florida. We lived the yuppie lifestyle. Big house, with a pool, country club membership, rental condo, cottage on the beach and cabin in the mountains. After my first daughter was born, I didn’t want to travel any more and got a job as a drug pusher - pharmaceutical rep! 23 months later, my second daughter was born. Soon after we added the requisite dog to the picture, kids in private school and I had a BMW convertible just for fun on the weekends. Then my downward spiral started!

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