
Copyright 2012-14 Leslie Robinson All Rights Reserved

Friday, June 13, 2014

Feed Me Friday - Workin 9 - 5 and a Jelly Roll Pan!

A good friend of mine started a part time job this week, working 9-5, and it reminded me of this video! For my old Xerox buddies, if you watch closely, there is a Xerox ROOM in this!! AAHHHH the good ole days! This is a great way to wind down your week - funny stuff!!

Now, for the FOOD segment! I have made a couple of dinners lately all on a jelly roll pan (baking sheet with edges). I was sooooooo hungry though that I did NOT take pictures - BUT - they were soooooo good, that I wanted to share anyway!  Besides, what you put on the pan is entirely up to you!!

You start with one of these 
Pre-heat your oven to 425 - and while it is heating - add what you want to eat for dinner!! For instance, one night I put chicken breasts, onion slices, asparagus, small new potatoes and cherry tomatoes. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with seasoning (my favorite right now is Robust Steak Seasoning from Winn Dixie, basically salt, pepper, garlic salt, paprika).

Bake for 15 - 20 minutes. I read that chicken stays juicier baked at a high temperature for less time, and it's true! I took the asparagus off a few minutes before the rest of the 'stuff' was done. Since it looked a bit pale, I but the oven on broil at the end just to brown it up, but that is NOT necessary!

Last night, I put chicken breasts, onion slices and rutabaga cut up like home fries on it. You need to turn the rutabaga after 15 minutes and continue to bake for another 15 minutes. I probably should have taken the chicken off at that point, but didn't, and it was all delicious!! I put the onion slices either on top of or under the chicken to add more flavor. Once again, I used the steak seasoning on all of it after drizzling with olive oil. 

PS, when I drizzle the olive oil, I use quite a bit, but it's just personal preference. You want to make sure the baking sheet has plenty, or clean up could be a nightmare. You could also line the baking sheet with foil, then cleanup would be a snap! (I'm going to try and remember to do that next time). 

SO, anything that you like to roast, would be fantastic! Broccoli, baby carrots, turnips, beets, pork chops, squash, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, etc......

You are only limited by your imagination and the size of the baking sheet!!


  1. Congrats to whoever got the job! That's great! And I love this idea of everything on the same pan, done at the same time, ready to eat!!! Thanks for the idea!

  2. Thanks mom! You may have to remove 'things' from the pan if some happen to get done before the others!
